Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where's the Snow??

Another quiet week for me. Training consisted of riding inside doing core work. A busy week at work getting prepared for upcoming projects. Saturday I worked around the house 1/2 day then Diana and I went to see a movie. It was a geezer movie Gran Torino. The movie was excellent and the new theater at Biltmore Park is awesome. While standing in line for the tickets I made mention to Diana that I did not understand why they did not have kiosks to purchase tickets at. After waiting 20 mins in line we walked in and believe it or not there sat a kiosk that you could purchase tickets, either in advance or day of showing.

Sunday Nate came to breakfast, I like breakfast on the weekends and enjoy cooking breakfast.I expecially enjoy cooking for family and friends. I guess it is part of being empty nesters or the fact that I enjoy cooking or perhaps part of my upbringing. My kin are Scotch Irish and although they did not have a lot you always had to eat something when you visited. My mom and dad were the same. Anytime company came mom was off to the kitchen fixing a meal. No one ever left hungry that visited our house. Well almost, mom did not particularly care for Jehovah's witnesses but I am sure if they were hungry they would not be turned away, even if they were on the road to hell. My uncle Carl McKinney who lived in Little Switzerland not only would not have fed them but would have hastened their journey to hell. My uncle Carl and aunt Bonnie depended on no one. They lived in a house with no indoor plumbing, no running water and heated with wood. They did have electricity, but no luxuries and they were happy as larks. I have digressed enough.

After breakfast Nathan and I went to Pisgah to do one of my favorite rides. This ride Andy and I had done a few weeks ago but unfortunately Andy was unable to go. Nate and I were both diasppointed cause Andy is a great guy to ride with.We made our our to Pisgah and much too our surprise the road leading to the Pink Beds was covered with snow. I put the truck in 4wd and we made our way to the Pink Beds parking area. WE FOUND THE SNOW!!!

We dressed in the parking lot, hope they don't have security cameras or else they will see a nekked 50 year old. Anyway enough of that, sorry for the imagery. After getting dressed we hit the trail. The weather was awesome the trail was frozen and fast with the first part covered with snow. We did see several signs warning us to stay on the trail, something about unexploded ordinance. This is the area visited by crazies, wait I was there does this mean I am looney?? Probably so but oh well at 50 you can be looney. Nate and I had an awesome ride and luckily did not detonate any ordinance on our ride through the Pink Beds. Nate crashed one time on some ice no injuries. We made it back to the parking lot packed up and headed home. Once home Diana mad her famous spinach ring with apple crunch and ice cream for dessert mmmmmmm.

Thats it for my week and weekend. This week I plan on riding the mtn bike after work and finishing up some home projects.

Have a good week!

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