Sunday, December 21, 2008

MSG #6 and Dupont Mtn Bike Ride

MSG #6

The last race of the Tennessee MSG series was held Saturday December 14. This is a great series...a huge thanks to Dwayne Letterman and Eric Wondergem for oraganizing and coordinating the series. These guys do a great job setting up a fun and challenging course each week. Thanks for your efforts, they are truly appreciated.
The TCRC gang make this series great!!!

This particular race Chris Young and I car pooled.We left the house @ 8 am and made our way over Sam's Gap and into Tennessee. On the way over we got a call from Jason Morgan asking for directions. Jason had taken a left on 11W when he should have taken a right.We got Jason heading in the right direction and we all arrived at Deer Creek Park and began preparing for the race.The course had quite a bit of elevation change, one set of barriers and a run up. I chose to go with the bike with the double ring in front with hopes spinning up the hills in the small ring and hammering the flats in the 46t.My race went well with Jeff Haase and myself taking turns on the front. The last lap I attacked hard up the paved section at the start finish line in hopes of cracking Jeff. I put 5 secs on him but he closed it back in the flats. I attacked again on another uphill and again put time into Jeff. Jeff countered on the flats and I was unable to hold his wheel. Jeff won by ~ 5secs. In retrospect I may have attacked to soon...oh well a great race. I did end up 2nd in the series which was a surprise since I missed 2 races.

Chris and I hung out at the race all day, cheering heckling and having a good time. We were hoping lady luck would smile on us during the raffle at the end of the race. These guys had some super nice swag ie easton carbon fork, chris king wheelset and all sorts of other goodies.Needless to say no luck in the raffle well almost...I did win a t-shirt. Chris and I collected our stuff and made our way home.

I arrived home @6pm ate dinner then Diana and I made our way to the Warren Haynes Christmas concert. I have been trying to get tickets to this for the last several years. This year he did 2 concerts and we were able to get tickets. The concert was awesome and had a variety of talent. I lasted till 1:30 am and had to call it a night. We got home I was off to bed, it took me a while to get to sleep but eventually I went to sleep but woke up early Sunday morning. Sunday was a lazy day,I guess I am getting to old for those all nighters. I did very little Sunday.It was a good day to do nothing, cold cloudy and damp.

The week was spent working and very little riding. Diana and I did go mtn biking Friday and again on Saturday. The pictures are of our ride Saturday at Dupont State Forest. I did really well picking the route. I only got one grumpy look the entire ride. This may be a record for me.After the ride we went to the Hob Nob for lunch. This restaurant is located in Brevard and has excellent burgers. Once our bellies were full we headed home, oh we did go by the movie store and rent a movie to watch.
Once home we just vegged out. Watched the movie petted the cat and dog and did nothing.

I hope everyone has a great week and a Merry Christmas.
And now for the fine print:

I have 2 checks from MSG, if not claimed within 30 days d-dub gets to keep.
photo id will be required to pick up

1 comment:

Cara said...

are you just checking to make sure people are reading? If I get 30 days for that check it means I can't wait till Southern CX... guess I'll have to call you when we get back in town! :-)