Once at the rice pinnacle parking area the group began to form: Marcus Jones, Jason Morgan, Will Black,Tim Hopkin, Chris Young, Kris Bedsaul, Michael Scholtz and myself. I knew this was gong to hurt. It aint easy being fat and fifty!!The ride went well we had a great time and only one flat. The conversation at the top of Lick Green trail made me a bit uneasy. There was a lot of talk about broken collar bones. Russel Henderson broke his Tuesday of last week and Will Black has broken his 5 times. Not very confidence inspiring talk before heading down Lick Green trail. I made it down safe and sound all the while thinking of Will's broken collar bone, 5 times wow.
I have been working on my weight and have even read some articles on the issue. One article states that you should eat some fruit if you crave something sweet. So here is the test. Which of these would you choose?
ok i chose the apple but ate the cookies...my favorite sugar cookies with sugar icing!
I'll eat the apple tomorrow, besides there are no more cookies :(.
1 comment:
Good choice D-Dub. You only live once so eat a few more cookies.
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