Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dead Wood

Dead Wood-This is what my legs felt like today on my ride. Fortunately no one was with me to hear my whining about how tired my legs felt. Since the legs did not cooperate I took the opportunity to take some pictures along the way.

There are quite a few pictures of old houses, which I always find interesting. Old houses have character. The wood tells of the many storms the houses have weathered. I always wonder who the original owner was, how many families have grown up there, what hardships they faced. Where are the families now, how many have passed away, how many children played in the yard catching lightning bugs playing tag etc.

My ride today took me from Spring Mtn Community Center, Hwy 9, Silver Welch, Parker Padgett, Old Fort, old US 70 to Black Mtn and back to the Community Center on Old Fort Rd. A great ride of almost 4 hrs.

Below are pics from the ride.




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